Climate Change - A Global Issue

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) : Research Resources

Based on EIU research, this special report looks at the long-term impact of climate change on some of the world's largest economies.

What is an INDC?

Countries across the globe adopted an historic international climate agreement at the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris in December 2015. In anticipation of this moment, countries publicly outlined what post-2020 climate actions they intended to take under the new international agreement, known as their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). The climate actions communicated in these INDCs largely determine whether the world achieves the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement: to hold the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C, to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C, and to achieve net zero emissions in the second half of this century. (source:

Climate Action Tracker : Tracking INDCs

The Climate Action Tracker compares countries according to a rating on "Comparability of effort".

INDCs : Research Resources

Comprehensive overview of all submitted INDCs with quantification where possible.

The CAIT Paris Contributions Map enables users to visualize and assess the greenhouse gas mitigation plans in each country's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC). The tool structures INDC data according to a framework based on the Lima Decision, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Mitigation Goal Standard, and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Policy and Action Standard to help users better understand submitted INDCs.

The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) is an independent scientific analysis produced by four research organisations tracking climate action and global efforts towards the globally agreed aim of holding warming below 2°C, since 2009. In advance of COP 21 in Paris, they have compiled information on the INDCs.

The Climate Scoreboard shows the progress that national contributions (INDCs) to the UN climate negotiations will make assuming no further action after the end of the country’s pledge period (2025 or 2030).

This working paper presents a menu of options for how Parties can enhance their NDCs by 2020 as well as during future five-year cycles of NDC revision.

The PBL Climate Pledge INDC tool shows the impact of the emission reduction proposals and policies, per country, on greenhouse gas emission projections for 2020 and 2030. Mitigation components of the INDCs of 102 of the 184 Parties with an INDC are analysed.

The UNEP Emissions Gap Report provides a scientific assessment of the mitigation contributions from the submitted INDCs.