The Digital Filmmaking Handbook

Digital movie making has gone Hollywood! Though digital video has been long-embraced by independent movie makers, with recent releases like Star Wars: Episode II being shot with digital equipment, it's clear that digital is here to stay. Fortunately, even if you don't have access to the higher-end tools used by the major studios, you can still create professional-quality productions with a reasonably priced DV camera and your computer. With The Digital Filmmaking Handbook, Second Edition, you'll learn everything you need to know to produce your own projects. Whether your goal is a feature-length production for theatrical release or film festival, or a short production for corporate or industrial use, this book will explain every step of the production process, from writing and planning, to shooting, editing and post-production effects. This new edition has been completely updated and reorganized to better reflect a typical DV production workflow. Extensive new material on writing is included, and expanded coverage of budgeting and financing can be found on the companion DVD. There is also detailed information on all the latest software and hardware, comprehensive new editing tutorials, and a new chapter on video technology basics. Whether you're a film student, advertising professional, instructor, or hobbyist, this book will explain everything you need to know to get the job done. If you're already an experienced filmmaker or videographer, The Digital Filmmaking Handbook, 2nd Edition will help you make the transition to the latest digital technologies.

Об авторе (2002)

Ben Long is a San Francisco-based photographer, writer, and teacher. The author of more than two dozen books on digital photography and digital video, he is also a senior contributing editor to Macworld magazine, a contributing editor at, and the author of several best-selling photography courses. His photography clients have included 20th Century Fox, Blue Note Records, Global Business Network, the San Francisco Jazz Festival, the Pickle Family Circus, and Grammy-nominated jazz musicians Don Byron and Dafnis Prieto. He has taught and lectured on photography around the world, including workshops at the Santa Reparata International School of the Arts in Florence and a class for imaging engineers at Apple, Inc. He occasionally dabbles in computer programming and has written image editing utilities that are used by National Geographic, the British Museum, and the White House. Sonja Schenk is a director, producer, and writer based in Los Angeles. She directed the comedic feature film "The Olivia Experiment," which will be released in theaters in 2014. She has been an executive producer of several popular television shows including "The Bachelor," "The Bachelorette," and "High School Reunion." She began her career as a video artist and exhibited early works at the AFI Festival, Artists Space in New York, and New Langton Arts in San Francisco. After completing her MFA at USC in film, she edited documentaries for HBO, the BBC, Channel 4, Canal Plus and FX and also the indie feature "Britney Baby One More Time," which screened at the Sundance Film Festival, the Rotterdam Film Festival, Outfest, Frameline and many others. She is currently developing a second narrative feature film and is also in preproduction on a documentary feature. She is also the author of Digital Non-Linear Desktop Editing and co-author of the earlier editions of The Digital Filmmaking Handbook.

Библиографические данные

Название The Digital Filmmaking Handbook
Charles River Media Digital Filmmaking & Audio
The Digital Filmmaking Handbook Series
Авторы Ben Long , Sonja Schenk
Издание: иллюстрированное
Издатель Charles River Media, 2002
ISBN 1584500980, 9781584500988
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 575
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan