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Compare health plan benefits and estimated out-of-pocket costs for AmeriHealth in-network services — including doctor and hospital visits, specialty care, and prescription drugs. For more plan details, review each plan’s Summary of Benefits and Coverage.

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IHC Bronze EPO HSA AmeriHealth Advantage $25/$50

Individual: $6,000
Family: $12,000

Tier 1: $25 copay, after deductible
Tier 2: $50 copay, after deductible

Tier 1: $50 copay, after deductible
Tier 2: $75 copay, after deductible

Tier 1: 30% coinsurance, after deductible
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

50% coinsurance, after deductible

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IHC Bronze EPO HSA AmeriHealth Hospital Advantage $50/$75

Individual: $6,000
Family: $12,000

Tier 1 & Tier 2: $50 copay, after deductible

Tier 1 & Tier 2: $75 copay, after deductible

Tier 1: $500 copay per day, up to 5 days, after deductible
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

50% coinsurance, after deductible

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IHC Bronze EPO HSA Local Value 50%/50%

Individual: $6,000
Family: $12,000

50% coinsurance, after deductible

50% coinsurance, after deductible

50% coinsurance, after deductible

50% coinsurance, after deductible

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IHC Bronze EPO Local Value $50/$75

Individual: $3,000
Family: $6,000

$50 copay, after deductible

$75 copay, after deductible

$500 copay per admission, after deductible

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IHC Select Silver EPO AmeriHealth Advantage $25/$60

Individual: $2,500
Family: $5,000

Tier 1: $25 copay
Tier 2: $50 copay, after deductible

Tier 1: $60 copay
Tier 2: $75 copay, after deductible

Tier 1: 20% coinsurance, after deductible
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

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IHC Select Silver EPO HSA AmeriHealth Hospital Advantage $50/$75

Individual: $2,300
Family: $4,600 aggregate 1

Tier 1 & Tier 2: $50 copay, after deductible

Tier 1 & Tier 2: $75 copay, after deductible

Tier 1: 20% coinsurance, after deductible
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

$10 copay, after deductible

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IHC Silver EPO AmeriHealth Advantage $45/40%

Individual: $2,500
Family: $5,000

Tier 1: $45 copay
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

Tier 1: 40% coinsurance, after deductible
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

Tier 1: 40% coinsurance, after deductible
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

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IHC Silver EPO AmeriHealth Advantage $25/$60

Individual: $2,500
Family: $5,000

Tier 1: $25 copay
Tier 2: $50 copay, after deductible

Tier 1: $60 copay
Tier 2: $75 copay, after deductible

Tier 1: 20% coinsurance, after deductible
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

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IHC Silver EPO HSA AmeriHealth Hospital Advantage $50/$75

Individual: $2,200
Family: $4,400 aggregate 1

Tier 1 & Tier 2: $50 copay, after deductible

Tier 1 & Tier 2: $75 copay, after deductible

Tier 1: 20% coinsurance, after deductible
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

$10 copay, after deductible

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IHC Silver EPO AmeriHealth Hospital Advantage $50/$75

Individual: $2,500
Family: $5,000

Tier 1 & Tier 2: $50 copay

Tier 1 & Tier 2: $75 copay

Tier 1: 20% coinsurance, after deductible
Tier 2: 50% coinsurance, after deductible

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IHC Silver EPO HSA Local Value $50/$75

Individual: $2,500
Family: $5,000 aggregate 1

$50 copay, after deductible

$75 copay, after deductible

$500 copay per day, up to 5 days, after deductible

$10 copay, after deductible

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IHC Silver EPO HSA Regional Preferred $50/$75

Individual: $2,500
Family: $5,000 aggregate 1

$50 copay, after deductible

$75 copay, after deductible

$500 copay, per day, up to 5 days, after deductible

$10 copay, after deductible

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IHC Gold EPO Regional Preferred $30/$50

Individual: $1,700
Family: $3,400

20% coinsurance, after deductible

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IHC Local Value Simple Saver

Individual: $9,450
Family: $18,900

No charge, after deductible

No charge, after deductible

No charge, after deductible

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1 Individual deductible not applicable in policies covering 2 or more people

2 No deductible for the first 3 visits per calendar year, then remaining visits covered at no charge, after deductible