Approach language learning with intelligence. Regarding vocabulary, 80% of the communication is carried out with 20% of the words. Focus on learning the 20% that matters.
The more you use a language, the better you become at it. Here are some ways you can do it every day:
This should be a life principle we apply in all areas, not only language improvement.
There are numerous free online tests that you can try, as well as books. It is up to you and your current lifestyle to determine how much you will dedicate to breaking the language barrier.
Success comes from determination.
Researching for the exam structure brings you one step closer to being fully prepared. Will there be essays? Multiple-choice grammar? The list could be endless—also, research on the questions that are likely to be asked. Avoid being caught off guard. Try to cover as many subjects as possible. Confidence is essential, and it comes mainly from being familiar with something.
There are many practice tests online. In my book , you get 23 sample tests you can practice on, but there are also free tests online.
During the exam, emotions will flood in. We all get butterflies when taking a test.
Getting excited just by having the paper in front of you might result in rushing and not reading the instructions or not checking your answers.
An example of this is circling the correct answer instead of marking it with an X. Paying attention is a critical aspect that the assessors appreciate. Also, double-check your answers before submitting the papers to the recruiter.
When taking the test, especially when you get to the essay part, remember that you are not expected to use complicated words. A simple, clean essay that is easy to read and has an original approach is sufficient.
If you have some sophisticated phrases or words up your sleeve, use them. However, that shouldn't be your goal.
You must first understand the question's meaning to give a proper answer. Take a few seconds to think about the question and truly understand what is being asked of you.
Before writing down or answering the question, it is good to have a clear plan of what you are about to write rather than just jotting down answers without a direction.
Tests are time-sensitive, so plan your time by quickly scanning all the questions. Have a wristwatch to keep track of time without asking or searching anxiously for a wall clock. If you can't find the answer to a specific question, go for the next one, but return to it as soon as you finish.
When you practice at home, try to set a precise amount of time to get used to the pressure and adjust to the limit imposed.
This is one of the essential tips; you should apply it to all stages. Take a big breath before entering the building or the room, and have a mantra to repeat to yourself or anything else that helps you calm down and perform well.
Try to rest before the assessment, sleep, meditate, and don't skip any meals. All these things should help you focus during the English Test and the entire interview day.
If you tend to put a lot of pressure on yourself, remember that it's just a test that establishes your command of English, not your entire worth as a human being. Prepare in such a way you can be proud of your accomplishments.
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